1. Educate them about remote working
Some of the US population used to work from home even before the onset of the pandemic. For such employees, remote working is a normal thing. However, those who are not used to remote working need education and training to help them stay productive, for instance, how to use certain work-from-home software, how to keep time, and not overwork among other things.
Considering the untimely change of events, employers have two options to make, offer training to the existing employees on remote working or hire new employees for the job. But you all know laying off an employee isn’t that easy, especially if they are indispensable. You can work with www.clickintelligence.co to get quality and informative content to educate your employees on remote working.
2. Identify and provide the right working tools
You don’t just educate your employees about remote working and leave it there. You have to ensure they have all it takes to stay productive while working from home. While some may have the requirements, others may need some supplies from you. Your employees should have access to a laptop or desktop, mail supplies, have steady internet connectivity, and maybe a printer.
In addition, you’ll have to provide workflow tools and software like Basecamp to ease their work. But even while giving out these software programs and remote working tools, you should not forget about information security. Your business’s information needs to stay protected even when your employees use them when working from home—providing the right tools for motivating employees and increase their productivity.
3. Communication is vital
You have to stay in contact with your remote-working employees at all times – within working hours. You have to establish communication protocols that will help you collaborate with your employees. Again, you should develop and agree on the communication channels that you will use to pass information. This goes a long way in ensuring that you reach every employer at any time.
For instance, email, zoom, and slack works magic for remote teams. Such tools are capable of incorporating many users at the same time. Again, they can be integrated with other business software to ensure work goes on smoothly. Those employees who need to interact with clients may require special communication tools to enable face to face interaction. Regular meetings are also essential.
4. Give them emotional support
Imagine sitting in one place alone for five hours or more? Even if you are working, you will feel some loneliness. And as you know, loneliness can, at some time come with negative emotions which could affect your productivity. This calls for steady emotional support from employers to employees. One way of achieving this is by communicating with employees and encouraging them.