The technical side of creating your website is underway, and all the coding is being rigorously tested to ensure it’s ready for your clients and site viewers. So what else do you need to think about?

You probably have thought about how you want your site to look, but now that it’s becoming a functioning site, it’s time to put some effort into the look and design of your site. How are you going to draw people in? How are you going to make sure it functions properly? How are you going to make it easy to navigate?  

Whether you are doing everything in-house with your own team or getting help from a company like Roud Studio digital agency, have ideas in mind about the design of your site. If you need some help getting you started, here are some things to remember when designing your site.

1. Keep It Neat and Tidy 

Nothing will make someone back out of your site quicker if everything is clustered together – or if it has too much white space. 

You need to keep your site looking neat and tidy. Having designated sections for information divided up by appropriate banners and images keeps things from looking overly cluttered or too sparse. 

Everything on your site needs to serve a purpose, and it also needs to look professional. Keep sections of text short so that people will stay engaged and ensure that your banners contain eye-catching calls to action that your site viewers will notice and follow. 

On top of this, make sure that your colors for your site aren’t too overly saturated and all the text is legible on your site. Don’t have white text on a pale background, for example. People can be impatient and want to have the information right there to read. They don’t want to struggle to understand your site.

2. Keep Navigation Simple 

Have you ever gone onto a website and found yourself at a complete loss when it comes to finding what you need? Well, when you start designing your site, you can avoid these issues by keeping the navigation of your site simple and clean. 

Add drop-down menus to neatly divide up your site. Have a header with your main points of interest, such as the About Us page and the What We Do page. Link out from one lander to another so that people don’t have to look too hard for whatever their specific needs require. 

It’s no good if your site just looks OK, it has to have a good flow so that your customer isn’t left lost. Making your site navigation simple means that the user experience is that much better, which will ensure you clinch more clients. 

3. Keep Things Consistent

From one landing page to the next, everything needs to be consistent. The banners need to be the same shape and roughly in the same place. The font you use on your site needs to be the same in each place and the style of content needs to have a good level of consistency. For example, keep your brand’s voice consistent across the whole site by using the same copywriter to write all the content.

The theme, the look, the color scheme, and the content all need to look and feel the same throughout your site to promote trustworthiness.

In Conclusion

Make sure you are flexible and open to input during the design process. Even if you have a specific set of things you want in mind, don’t be put off by other people’s ideas and suggestions as they may actually work out better. Listen to feedback, get insight from other people, and create something to be really proud of.

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