One of the most important factors in growing your business is creating a brand for your business. By creating a brand, people will start to recognize your business and the services that you provide. Having a solid brand for your business can be the difference between your business being successful or not. When it comes to branding, you want to stay consistent, know your audience, have a logo, etc.
Here are some tips on how to create a brand for your business:

Figure out your target audience and your competitors
One of the first things that you want to do when deciding on your branding is to research the current market. You want to make sure that you have an idea of your target audience and your potential competitors. There are several ways to research this; You can simply Google your product or the services that your business offers and analyze the potential competitors that come up. Another way to do this is by talking to other people and networking, by doing this you can find out what brands they purchase in your service category. Considering many people are active on social media, consider researching your target audience on social media and get an idea of what kinds of brands they follow.

Pick the focus and tone of your brand
Another important factor to consider when creating a brand is to pick the focus, personality, and tone of your brand. When starting a business, it can be hard to narrow down what your focus and services are, because you want to offer multiple services and you are unsure of what your focus is. One way to help pick the focus and tone of your brand and narrow it down is to pick a few words that would associate with your brand. Imagine your brand as a person and create a brand that fits with that person; What would he/she be attracted to, what is he/she’s personality, etc. Doing this will help create a tone and voice for your business’ social media and written voice. Consider starting with three adjectives so that you don’t become overwhelmed with choices.
Choose the style of your brand (colors & font)
When it comes to choosing the colors and font for your brand, you are essentially picking the style that you want for your brand. Picking a color and a font can be hard but it is super important to take time in deciding what you want so that you are sure of it and don’t change it later on. Be consistent. Colors can have a big impact on people’s emotions so take that into consideration when picking the colors for your brand. For example, blue can be calming and peaceful, while the Target red is exciting and bold and persuades a customer to keep shopping. Consider looking at a color emotion guide when picking a color for your brand because the color will also represent the emotional reaction that people will get from your business. For ideas, research other company logos, what they do and what colors they use. If you need help with finding the right combination colors, consider using the Coolors application. When it comes to fonts, you want to pick two fonts at most, one for the heading and one for the body of text. There are different applications that can help with choosing fonts, such as Font Pair which helps you decide what fonts go together.
Design your logo
When you thinking of branding for a company, one of the first things that come to mind is most likely the logo. It makes sense because when you think about other businesses, most likely their logo is what pops in your head…if it’s a good logo. And that’s exactly what you want to think about when designing your logo, what is unique that will stand out, and allow people to recognize your company. There are many different types of logos such as emblem (Starbucks), combination (McDonald’s), lettermark (IBM), icon (Twitter), and wordmark (FaceBook), so you want to look over other examples and decide what is the best fit for your business.
These are just four of many factors to consider when creating a brand for your business, but they are essential to your branding and success of your business. If you are thinking of starting a business or need to create a brand for your business, these tips can be really helpful.