There are so many options and new releases of autodialers every week. It is rather difficult to pick the right automatic dialer for someone unfamiliar. Here, key points are discussed about things that should be considered before an autodialer is chosen and used.

The telephone was invented more than a hundred years ago, and the autodialer technology has just surfaced in the commercial market recently at around early 1940. In 2020, telemarketing for businesses continues to be the most efficient means for converting leads and reaching customers; here, the role of an autodialer in a business is undeniably huge.

If businesses are into telephone sales or if cold calling is one of the main channels in the overall sales, there is a relatively high chance that they have something to do with a decent autodialer.

Autodialer Types

As the technology advances, autodialer technology does too. The modern autodialer now offers a lot more than only initiating calls automatically. Recent prototypes are not programmable to schedule, send voicemails, broadcast e-mails or messages to a selected contact list simultaneously, and a lot more. Thus, to date, there are various types of autodialers available in the commercial market. Here’s an overview to see their differences:

  • The Predictive Autodialer

A predictive autodialer dials a lengthy list of phone numbers using a sequence. It uses machine learning and has a complex algorithm to achieve an exponential decrease in agent downtime. When the software detects a connected call, it then transfers the call to an available agent. A predictive dialer also skips fax machines, busy phone numbers, and bad numbers. This kind of autodialer is great for call centers with busy outbound transactions with many live agents that may deal with the campaigns on hand. It is estimated that agents can take up to 70 calls per hour using this autodialer.

  • The Progressive Autodialer

A progressive autodialer does call only when live agents are available to take the call. More often than note, a progressive autodialer makes a fewer number of calls than a predictive autodialer. Progressive autodialers though assist call centers in decreasing the rate of abandoned calls by upping agent availability.

  • The Preview Autodialer

This type of autodialer allows the call center agent to see the information or details of prospects before it decides to make the call. It is a great option for inside sales agents as they are allowed some time to prepare scripts and thereby create a more productive engagement with the prospects. This autodialer is also ideal for agents whose main task is to review previous notes and conversations.

  • The Robo Autodialer

This particular kind of autodialer focuses on saving time and is used by businesses mainly to transmit product reminders or updates. A Robo autodialer can record messages beforehand. It can send them to people in the business’ contact list thereafter. A Robo autodialer can easily do this without waiting for phone lines to be free. Businesses can also set up a “Press 1.” function using Robo autodialers where automated calls can be directed to available agents (just like a predictive autodialer) or collect responses obtained from the contacts. A thing to check for businesses that have Robo autodialers for autodialers is the regulation surrounding it. Depending on the region, they may come in different forms and variations.

Steps to Make a More Confident Autodialer Choice

Now that the types of autodialers have been discussed, outlined below are the steps to further find out how an autodialer is best for a business and make an educated decision.

  1. Make a List of Autodialer Features Needed

As in any purchase, the choice is easier when the buyer knows exactly what he wants. This fact is also applicable to autodialer technology. This can be first tackled by writing down present problems faced by the organization and how an autodialer will address those problems. Aside from this, make a list of the high-priority features of autodialers that the company values. It takes some time but completing this step leads to a more in-depth understanding of what version of an autodialer best suits the business and that its features are exactly how the business needs it.

  1. Research on the Internet and Autodialer Software Comparison Websites

Needless to say, the Internet is an endless stream of opportunities in this information-searching era. Most people resort to Google when looking into something. Going to Google online and typing keywords like “the best autodialer software” in the search tab may prove helpful too. Tons of websites may serve results for this query. Have a look at these pages and choose one that out to best fit the firm’s needs. Try to also explore autodialer reviews from verified customers. Another option would be to browse the websites of the autodialer software companies for comparison.

  1. Create an Autodialer Software Supplier Shortlist

Now that some prominent suppliers have been identified, it is time to form a shortlist. Try including up to 10 autodialer software companies as options. Gradually narrow down this list by directing the focus on the ones with the most impressive products.

Get hold of these suppliers and ask questions about their autodialer software. Then, apply for a product presentation. Always take notes down on the pros and cons for each supplier considering key criteria that will fit into the needs.

  1. Test Away Autodialer Software

To ensure that the autodialer software addresses problems and provides solutions for the Call Center, it will be best to request a product demonstration video or even a free trial subject to their approval. This is to check if the features, exclusive perks, and offers are true to their promises.

A lot of software companies give free trials on their websites. Some may give 7 to 14 days for clients to fully test the system in terms of user-friendliness, practicality, and usability. Within this time, also prepare customer support questions. It is important to test customer support as early as to see if customer support is responsive. Reach out by sending them an email, calling them, sending chats, or messaging them on their accounts on social media at different times of the day. Doing this divulges how swift they respond to clients, and how accurate and detailed will be the solutions they provide. This may reveal if they are real autodialer software experts and know their product to the dot.

  1. Have an Extra Autodialer Option

Do not count on just one autodialer software. Having just one autodialer may mean “putting all the eggs in one basket”. Always have at least one fallback option. If the primary autodialer system malfunctions, or gets out of the commercial market, having a backup and shifting to a new one will come easy and hassle-free.

Remember that bringing in new technology into a business can make or break it. As there is no one-software-fits-all autodialer, going through the trial and error procedure may be the way to go before finding that one special autodialer software that is best for its value.

Follow the suggested tips above to significantly reduce the chances of failure for the autodialer of choice. Conduct deep market research and choose a pretty decent autodialer. Wait and see then how it wrings out the majority of outbound calls.

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