marketing, Restaurants, technology, Tips, Uncategorized
Best POS Software for Restaurants What’s one of the first things you might need when you start your restaurant business? It’s probably a point-of-sale system to accept credit and debit payments, track your inventory, text and email receipts, analyze customer and...
Dining, marketing, Restaurants, Uncategorized
Are you wondering if there’s value in offering Wi-Fi to your restaurant customers? The short answer is yes! Everywhere you go, you see customers using their tablets and laptops while waiting for their drinks or meal, so why not give them what they are looking for?...
Dining, marketing, Restaurants, Uncategorized
A restaurant’s menu design is more than just a random and disordered list of dishes. It has probably been tailored at the hands of a menu designer to make it easy-to-read, attractive but, most important, profitable. Furthermore, the menu is the only piece of printed...