Reliable IT support is a must-have for any business, regardless of what industry you’re in or how big your organization is. In our highly digital world, many aspects of business are conducted entirely online, and you’ll need tech support in order to keep your company on an upward growth trajectory. However, many entrepreneurs and smaller companies struggle to get the IT support they need in a cost-efficient way. This is where Managed IT services can help. 

What are Managed IT services? 

With Managed IT services, you outsource some or all of your IT operations to a third-party, rather than handling them in-house. Managed IT providers are cybersecurity experts who can assist with a wide variety of tasks. This includes things like remote network monitoring, server management, disaster recovery, equipment repair, and more. Managed IT providers can also help you implement new technology and configure your systems if you aren’t sure where to start.

Signs Your Business Needs Managed IT Services

Tackling all of your IT challenges in-house isn’t always realistic. Here are some signs that your business could benefit from hiring a Managed IT services provider. 

1. Your in-house team is overwhelmed. 

If you find that your in-house IT professionals are constantly falling behind, Managed IT service providers can help you stay on top of your workload. Many small companies only have one or two in-house IT experts, and there’s only so much that one person can tackle on their own. It’s also common for startups not to have an in-house IT expert at all. This leaves other team members to tackle IT challenges on their own or pay for expensive repair services anytime a piece of equipment breaks. 

A Managed IT provider can handle routine system management as well as addressing any emergencies if they arise. This gives your internal staff the time they need to focus on tasks that are specific to your company without the stress of ongoing IT management. 

2. You want to switch to new technology. 

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace, and in order to keep up, you’ll need to continually update your systems. However, switching to a new system can be very disruptive to your business operations if it isn’t done effectively. Many companies don’t have the resources to effectively migrate their servers without help. 

Managed IT providers can help you transition to new technology seamlessly, without compromising any sales or productivity. They will assess your current systems and create a detailed adoption plan that keeps your entire organization running smoothly through the transition. Once the new technology is in place, your Managed IT provider can help with ongoing monitoring and maintenance. 

3. You need cybersecurity assistance. 

Cyber attacks can happen to any business, which is why it’s so important to have a good cybersecurity strategy in place as your company grows. This is particularly important if you have already been the target of a phishing scam, ransomware attack, or other security breach, or if you don’t currently have any cybersecurity protections in place. 

Managed IT service providers are typically cybersecurity experts, so they can help you put together a multi-pronged strategy to keep hackers at bay. This may mean adding a firewall or restructuring your systems in some way, as well as implementing ongoing system monitoring. As new threats emerge, your IT provider will help you adjust your approach to ensure that you’re always protected. Not only does this help keep your systems safe, but a robust cybersecurity strategy can help you build trust with your customers.

4. You’re overspending on IT. 

If you find that IT costs are eating into your budget, a Managed IT service provider might be a more affordable option. If you’re only outsourcing IT services when something breaks, those costs can add up fast. Adding full-time IT professionals to your staff can also get pricey very quickly. Managed IT service providers typically charge a more affordable monthly fee. It’s also easy to scale your services up or down depending on your budget. 

5. You need extra support for remote workers. 

Since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, many organizations have transitioned to a partially or fully remote work schedule. While this is often more convenient for the entire team, it can also come with some unique technological challenges. Remote workers are typically relying on the internet for every aspect of their job, which means they are going to need ongoing tech support to keep everything running smoothly. This can be tricky to handle internally, so having a Managed IT provider to outsource to can make things much easier. 

If these signs apply to your company, it’s time to hire a Managed IT provider and outsource some or all of your company’s IT tasks. Having a managed service provider on your side helps keep your systems running efficiently and prevents cybersecurity threats. 

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