As a business manager, one of your top priorities is to get the best possible returns from your human resources. To get each and every employee reaching their potential, working well in a team and alone, is a difficult task for any manager. Your staff require a blend of motivation, education, direction and inspiration to work at the very highest level consistently – and as a manager, it’s up to you to distribute these accordingly. This article offers advice as to how to get the very best level of work out of your employees, driving productivity and efficiency to the very highest levels possible.


You cannot blame your staff for underperforming in their jobs if they’ve not been adequately trained. While you hire people based on their merit and their experience to date, your employees will inevitably have some gaps in the skills and education that it’s your responsibility to identify and approach with educational programs. Look to third party educators, such as specialists at corporate training UK, who can help you implement a training scheme to get your employees firing on all cylinders, gaining new skills and applying them to the job at hand.


As a manager, you’re there primarily to provide your staff with direction. It’s ultimately you who decides what the workday and week priorities are. You distribute the workload, and it’s you that people will turn to in the event of a logjam in the workplace. Confidence and all-round knowledge of your company and the pressures your workers are under will greatly help in this area. Remember that clarity and assurance are key – you need to communicate what you expect from your workers clearly and succinctly, so they can get on with the job at hand without constantly erring and asking you for additional help.


Managers also tend to be inspiring individuals. They lead by example, turning up to work early and leaving late in order to show their staff that they’re not leeching off the hard work of those beneath them. They get everyone’s engines fired up in the event of tight deadlines, and they issue praise and rewards when targets are reached and exceeded. You’ll need a little charisma to get your employees working in an inspired state of mind – a mindset in which they’ll be driven to achieve more, to work those extra hours that’ll help your company grow and profit.


There are hundreds of ways to motivate your staff. Demotivated and lethargic workers produce shoddy work that miss deadlines; it’s not something that you should accept in your office. To motivate individuals in your team, you should consider:

  • Workplace incentives and rewards for top performers
  • Employee of the month schemes
  • Group outings after tough periods of work
  • Surprises for your team – lunchtime pizza delivery or impromptu parties
  • One-on-one meetings to understand the stresses of individuals’ workloads

By paying attention to the motivation of your employees, you’ll be able to squeeze a great deal more work out of them – and they’ll be far more satisfied in their jobs too.

This article is aimed at managers who want to make the most of their human resources, running a tight ship of inspired and motivated individuals working towards the same ambitious goals.

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