Image from Pexels 

Your coworkers can be a great resource if you’re feeling stuck, but that doesn’t mean you should always ask them for help. You don’t want to earn the reputation of being the person who can’t seem to figure out anything for themselves!

Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can learn quickly online so you don’t have to bug your busy coworkers. When you do need help, they’ll be more likely to offer their expertise because you haven’t already bothered them with something you could have figured out by yourself.

Converting Files

Baby boomers have earned a reputation for asking younger generations for help with computer-related tasks that are actually quite easy. Do your younger coworkers a favor and learn how to convert docx to pdf files online.

But it’s not just converting PDF files, and it’s not just Boomers. Whether it’s JPEG, PNG, TIFF, or GIF, there are fairly easy ways to convert your files from one format to another. All you have to do is conduct a quick Google search and you’ll be able to figure it out without having to ask anyone else.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Wondering how your coworker gets em dashes in their reports? In awe of how fast a coworker switches between apps during a meeting? Don’t interrupt their workflow or make the meeting go longer by asking. Instead, look up keyboard shortcuts online.

While you’re at it, look at some of the other keyboard shortcuts that are available. There are some really great ones out there that include:

  • Ctrl+Z lets you undo your last action
  • Ctrl+A allows you to highlight all the text in a document
  • Alt+Tab enables you to flick through all of your open windows
  • Ctrl+Esc lets you open the start menu
  • Win+L is a quick and easy way to lock your computer
  • Win+S enables you to search for files and applications on your computer

Manuals, FAQ, and Professional Support

Figuring out how to use a new application can be complicated. It can be especially difficult if your workplace uses multiple platforms. You could ask a coworker every single time you need help, but it’s much better to head to the internet.

All apps have online manuals and FAQ pages that contain the answers to your questions. Many also provide professional support. It’s literally their job to help you. All you have to do is email or message your question and they can answer it.

This is true of online applications, but it’s also true of things like printers and computers. You can find a manual for everything online nowadays, so it’s always worth a search before you ask someone else.

You don’t always have to do everything by yourself. You just don’t want to be that person who wastes eight hours of their Gen Z coworker’s time by asking them for help locating your computer files. With the tips on this list, you can quickly find the answers to your questions online and save the tougher questions for your coworkers.

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