A year has passed since the “new reality” started due to the COVID-19 pandemic and some things are unlikely to return to the way they used to be, remote work is definitely one of them. Running a business in the San Francisco Bay Area or anywhere across the United States can be challenging during these times, especially trying to keep your employees motivated and with a sense of inclusion within your company, however most of these challenges can also be transformed into opportunities, that’s why we bring you 3 tips to keep your team motivated and empowered.

According to the 2020 Global Talent Trends report from LinkedIn talent solution, the top things that employees consider that companies should work more on are:

  • Training opportunities.
  • Creating a company culture that inspires and make them feel part of something bigger.
  • Work-life balance, meaning flexible work options they can work on with the company.
  • Act on feedback from your employees

Let’s take a look into 3 specific things you can apply in your business to keep your workforce in the San Francisco Bay Area or any other place where you may have your workforce distributed in, engaged and satisfied.

Employee Experience

Over the past years the work trends have changed so much that it is considered now that employees don’t work for the organizations, instead, the organizations work for the employees, meaning that resources like time and money are being invested by organizations on the Employee Experience (EX), which is what employees feel and how they interact with the whole organization.

Tip: focus on having spaces where your team can express their feelings and provide feedback on their experience at your organization, make sure that this information is listened to and taken into account to make changes and improve processes.

Building Relationships

With the work-from-home trend becoming permanent not only in the San Francisco Bay Area but all around the world, since there are not shared physical spaces where interaction happens on a daily basis, is harder for organizations to find out ways to build or strengthen relationships with their employees, however, this doesn’t mean your team is going to have to get used to working alone and feeling alienated from the organization or the team.

Tip: organize virtual events such as game nights, zoom happy hours, thematic meetings, a book club, or any other special activities that would help you connect with the team and forge bonds.

Process Automation

Nowadays, there are tools such as Xero (accounting), Hootsuite (social media) and Asana (project management) that can help you run almost every activity within your company, if you get to know some of them depending or what your needs are, you can simplify routine workflows, generate a digital transformation, take off routine activities (making them more efficient at the same time) and free up space of your employees’ day to day to focus on the business and be able to participate actively on the virtual events and activities you program with them.  to empower more effective remote work.

Tip: make research and get involved with the newest trends and tools you can implement in your business or industry and automate the mundane activities as much as you can, then use the time you get off your employees’ day to day routine to host virtual events with them.

As you can see, this new reality is full with opportunities that your organization can take advantage on, in order to keep employee engagement, brand awareness and to stay competitive in the market.

If you need more tips or want to get to know the best practices to manage your work force, boost your business growth or strengthen your brand reputation, schedule a call today at www.PiedmontAve.com with the Piedmont Avenue Consulting team.

If you have any questions or you want to start planning your business virtual events and know the best practices for it, contact us through Professional Connector at www.ProfessionalConnector.com our networking events are perfect for San Francisco Bay Area professionals, we organize and host business networking events, social mixers and workshops within the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.

Contact Us

Please call us now at +1-510-761-5895 so we can best help you.

You may also schedule a call using our self-scheduling tool at http://www.vcita.com/v/piedmontave
or complete our the contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


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