Restaurant website design


In today’s market, customer’s first impression of a restaurant is their impression of their website.  A website has to be informative as well as immerse the customer into your brand.  Here are a few strategies to apply to your web design to keep it cohesive to your interiordesign strategy:

1)  Keep the Visual Design the Same – Color palette and type font creates the tone of your brand.  Retaining the same tone with the restaurant interior design will maintain a cohesive professional brand.

2)  Show off the Food and Architecture – As a website you have less that a second to capture the audience attention.  Instead of telling your audience that your steakhouse combines luxury, elegance and creative cuisine, show the allure with photos of presentable steak and architecture beauty shots.

3)  Make your Call to Actions (CTA) Buttons Prominent and Visible – Similar to how a restroom or cashier signs are prominent visible and easy to read, a reservation button or contact button should be as well on your website.  A strong well place call to action button enhances engagement with your website and achieves the objective to bring your virtual audience to your place of business.

Translating your interior design to web design is easy when you are consistent with the visual architecture.

A good example that we enjoy is Twenty Five Lust located on 25 Lusk St San Francisco, CA 94107.

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