Are you tired of the dismal performance of your search engine marketing campaigns? Do you want to see better results from your Google ads? 

The truth is that getting the best results out of your ad campaigns can be a moving target. But you’re in luck because today, we analyze some of the best tips you can implement into your pay-per-click campaign for better results.

So, without further ado, here are some of the best tips for improving your Google ads performance.

1. Target Specific Locations

Professions like lawyers have the most expensive Google keywords. Some cost up to $150-$200 per click. These costs can be budget draining, so to make the most of them, you’ll need to ensure they’re going to be the most effective on your target demographic. That means being specific about the location you’re targeting. 

Make use of maps in Google ads. For an increased conversion, target areas near your service location.

2. Combine SEO and SEM

Most marketers consider search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) mutually exclusive. But the truth is, they can work together for much better results. 

It doesn’t hurt for you to look at successful organic search results. You might gain a few insights from the organic conversions and PPC ads that could improve your PPC quality.

For instance, if you see a keyword performing well in a PPC ad, it signifies an opportunity to improve your organic search campaign. You can, therefore, update your blog post’s meta description while targeting the same keyword.

3. Use Negative Keywords

Like you can filter out to a specific location, you can do the same with search terms; only include search terms that matter to your business. Monitor campaign activities and know the exact negative keywords to include for better results. 

That’s right; we said negative keywords. These prevent your ad from being seen by certain groups, so you avoid receiving their traffic and get more accurate data on the customers that may actually shop at your business.  

For instance, you may be targeting locations in the United States and Canada. At the same time, you don’t want to include Hawaii as one of the locations because it’s not relevant to your business. Adding Hawaii as a negative keyword excludes people in that location from seeing your ad, ensuring that the analytics reflect only your target demographics in the U.S. and Canada. 

4. Research Competitor Strategies

Researching your competitors is an old marketing trick that works for any business. Pay Per Click ad campaign is not any different. Research your competitors and find out what is working for them and make it the basis of your campaign strategy. 

Tools like Ahrefs and iSpionage have made it easy for you to see what other copies and landing pages of competing ads are doing. If you find ads running for a while, it means they’re working, and they continue to deliver results. 

5. Optimize Your Click-Through-Rates

Optimizing your click-through rates is one of the best ways to improve your Google Ads. Try putting up promotion extensions to highlight offers, deals, and discounts on your site. Customers will most likely click on ads that have promotions. Hence, highlighting sales discounts and exclusive offers entices them to learn more about your ad, increasing their chances of clicking on it. 

The greater the click-through rate, the higher the revenue.

6. Improve Mobile Site Speed

You have to optimize your page for improved site speed. Customers are more likely to get off a page when they realize that the site loads slowly. This is especially important for customers using mobile sites. Heavy images and videos on your page tend to slow down the site. 

Optimize them and retain their quality for improved site speed. Also, take steps to minify your liquid code and trim down the number of scripts. Remove unnecessary assets on your page to help the site load on time. It’s all about increasing the likelihood of a sale.


It may be time-consuming, but if you follow target specific locations for relevant traffic, combine SEO and SEM, optimize your CTR rates, use negative keywords when necessary, and improve site speed, you’ll see improved results with your PPC marketing. Suddenly, it will feel like your business isn’t wasting money on strategies that don’t work. You’ll refine your techniques and improve your sales overall. 

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