Cold Calling Techniques: That Really Work Stephan Schiffman, the President of D.E.I Management Group, is the author of the bestselling book: Cold Calling Techniques: That Really Work. Here are the insight he wrote regarding to how to utilize voicemail, email, and...
Looking to Grow Your Law Firm with SEO that helps attract potential clients? When your potential clients are searching for legal services, does your law firm show up in Google Searches? Is your law firm one of the first listed on Google or other search engine...
These days, many businesses and brands will develop a website because they think they need to have one. While this is true, they do need to; it’s a dangerous mindset to have. To invest in digital, simply out of obligation (because you feel you need it) rather than...
How to think like a CEO and become a successful CEO? Being a CEO is some people’s dream job, or others might think being a CEO has daunting responsibilities. Managing a business can involve in various aspects, including making decisions that impact the whole company,...
What is Cryptocurrency? There are trends and a lot of buzz of the foreign concepts of Cryptocurrency – from Bitcoin, blockchain, to ICO. What do these terms mean? Some people might be skeptical while some people already made a fortune out of it with the value of...
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