Starting a business is tough and taking it to the next level is even tougher. People usually approach consultants for an advice and assistance for their business. Institute of Entrepreneurial Leadership’s social marketing for entrepreneurs offers a great service...
With the beautiful San Francisco Bay views and famous skyline, the Bay Area boasts a large array of party boat rental companies. Each company has different amenities, prices, and overall customer satisfaction rates. Here is a list of the top party boat rental...
Direct mail campaigns send information and marketing advertisements to people through the postal service. Marketers in the Bay Area can target the UC Berkeley campus community with direct mail pizza coupons. Communities in downtown San Francisco might have their...
One way to attract attention to a product or service is to hire a promotional model. Promotional models are a type of brand ambassador, except they do not have a long-term commitment to embody the brand or be a person of contact. A promotional model is able to use...
T-Mobile has taken an innovative and game-changing approach to marketing its wireless service. By taking a risk and condemning its own industry and competitors, T-Mobile was able to gain 22 million subscribers. Here are a few strategies from T-Mobile’s “Uncarrier”...
Are you looking for free marketing, special perks, and a steady growing base of dedicated customers? No, this is not a dream. Whether you’re looking for free and easy marketing for your start up or current business or you’re a faithful customer of a favorite brand,...
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