Dental practices in the San Francisco Bay Area have been forced to close their doors during this pandemic, patients have been unable to be treated and dentists have had to constrain their availability. Even though dentists can’t help their patients during these unprecedented times, it is important to stay productive. Because dentists have to take a break from the clinic and can’t physically connect with their patients, it is essential to improve their digital marketing strategies. Improving social media platforms can strengthen dentists’ bond with current patients, create a bond with new patients, and improve their reputation in the community. Here are 3 reasons why social media for your dental practice is more important than ever before: 


1. Connecting with More People, More Eyes

Social media has become such a popular way to connect with people, you have a lot of eyes that are looking at social media and more specifically paying attention to your dental practice branding. Consider taking this moment and showing your captive audience, in the San Francisco Bay Area, that you care about them and their health. Also, take the time to show your clients the amazing career experience that you have had and how that has transferred over to your dental practice. Personally connect with your patients so that your dental practice is seen as more than just an office. In addition, highlight the life changing experiences that your patients have had by coming to your office. 

2. Social Media is Free Marketing

Many social media platforms are free and you should consider using them to your advantage. Social media can be used as a free form of advertising, but more importantly, it can be used as a way to improve your brand awareness, reputation and connect with people. Stay active on your dental practice’s social media platforms because you can make a lot of connections with your current patients, future patients, and the community which will improve your business. Increasing your online presence will strengthen customer loyalty and retain long term relationships.

3. Online Reputation

Having control over your social media is better for you in the short and long term because you are able to maintain the image that you want and increase your brand awareness.  Because people are highly active on social media, if they are constantly seeing your San Francisco Bay Area dental practice on their social media, they will start to remember who you are and recognize you. In addition, having your information on social media will allow patients to easily connect with you and get the help that they need. 

Need help with a Social Media plan for your Dental Practice? 

Visit Piedmont Avenue, Inc. website to schedule a free consulting session to review how we may be able to help. Piedmont Avenue Consulting is a San Francisco Bay Area-based business development and marketing consulting firm that creates brand awareness, strengthens customer loyalty, and increases lead generation through leveraging new technologies and streamlining business processes. On our team of experts, we have a dental expert and consultant that can help with marketing your dental practice.


Ronald Yee is a Dental Consultant with Piedmont Avenue Consulting. For more than 25 years, Ronald has been assisting dentists in managing their practice in the San Francisco Bay Area. He helps guide better dental practice, reignite your passion for dentistry, and increases your dental profits through efficient management, clinical, and financial systems, and to a more fulfilling life with your family. Ronald has extensive knowledge in practice management, finance, and advanced clinical training for private dental practices as well as issues related to the dentistry industry. 

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