Who says that direct marketing is dead? Not many who actually practice it. They have all heard the rumors that direct marketing is going to fade away, as more millennials than ever before are moving on to pay attention only to social media advertisements and the like. This, of course, is complete nonsense. Based on some data analysis DatabaseUSA.com®, check out some of the benefits of direct mailing lists.

Millennials Love Receiving Mail

It may seem odd, but millennials actually very much enjoy receiving mail. It is not something that they consider an annoying burden or distraction. In fact, many reports that they like to receive mail far more than they like to receive yet another notification or email.

When email first came into existence, it was novel and unique, but that is no longer the case. Most of us receive plenty of emails on a daily basis, but we do not necessarily receive all that much direct mail anymore. As such, we have a sense that, when we do receive direct mail, it is pretty important. It may or may not be something that we need to open right away, but many of us do anyway simply out of anticipation for what could be within the envelope.

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The effectiveness of Personalized Mail

A lot of direct mail feels more personalized than the mass market campaigns that so many other companies run. When someone receives a letter, they almost feel as though it was written with them specifically in mind. Most everyone is aware of the fact that these are, in fact, mass mailers that go out to many different people, but that doesn’t stop them from getting a little bit of a flutter that they have received this particular piece of mail.

The response rates from younger people to direct mail pieces are a bit higher than you may think. Millennials are more apt to at least open up your direct mail pieces, even if they do not intend to respond to them or act on any offers that you present. This means that, at a minimum, you can show a new potential customer something that they had not seen before.

You Don’t Have to Break the Bank

Much of direct mail marketing’s appeal is its reasonable cost. Many have found that using this method instead of social media marketing helps them save more of their advertising budget to work out other campaigns.

Small businesses in particular frequently do not have the kind of budget necessary to fund a full social media campaign. But what they likely do have at their disposal are enough funds to have a decent direct mail campaign.

Use It for Testing Purposes

No athlete takes to the court or field without having practiced. Likewise, you should not take an advertising message to the national stage unless you are absolutely certain that it is ready. That means that you must focus in on testing out the message against other possible messages that you could have applied. Direct mail marketing is an excellent way to do that.

Try out various messages through direct mail pieces to see what gets the most responses and reactions. That can then become your new message going forward. You learn a lot by simply working out the kinks through your direct marketing appeals.

For more information on direct mail, mailing lists and the benefit of “old fashioned” marketing, go to DatabaseUSA.com® and learn more.

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