As a business owner, you know that keeping your employees happy and productive is essential to your success. But what tools do you need to help you manage them effectively? The following article will highlight some of the best employee management tools out there, from employee recognition tools to scheduling and tracking software, so you can choose the ones that are right for your business. Below are 6 employee management tools every business needs.

Employee tracking software to keep track of hours and absences

As a business owner, it’s vital that you have an accurate understanding of your company’s financials. There are many factors to consider when tracking revenue and expenses, but one simple way to get started is by keeping track of the hours your employees work each day. Doing so helps you determine how productive they are, plan for future hiring needs, account for payroll and more.

Employee tracking software can help you with all of this because it automates the time-consuming process of manually checking attendance. When managers are responsible for keeping track of hours worked, they lose valuable time that could be better spent on critical decision making.

Employee scheduling software to help manage shifts and staff rotations

Your employees are the lifeblood of your organization, but if you’re like many business owners, you may find it difficult to juggle everyone’s schedules. Pair this with the fact that some employees work more hours than others and managing shift rotations can be challenging even without taking into account last-minute changes.

With employee scheduling software, however, you can automate the process and ensure that everyone knows their schedule in advance. It also helps you to determine which employees need coverage when sick or on vacation so that work is never left undone.

Many business owners use off-the-shelf scheduling software that isn’t designed to fit their unique needs. While this can be a good starting point, when it comes to saving time and making your life easier, you’re much better off choosing custom employee scheduling software that’s catered to your business.

Communication tools like Slack or WhatsApp for quick, easy, and secure communication between employees

A communication application is a vital employee management tool for business owners. Without one, it’s very difficult to maintain staff morale and ensure that your employees are always on the same page. Luckily, there are dozens of communication apps available designed for businesses like yours.

One of the more popular is Slack, which enables employees to easily chat with one another on a variety of different channels. It also integrates with hundreds of services that make it easy for your workers to collaborate on projects and share important information with one another without having to leave their applications.

HR tools like Gusto or Zenefits to manage payroll and benefits

HR applications are also crucial employee management tools because they help you to manage your company’s compensation and benefits offerings. For example, Gusto is a popular payroll application that streamlines the entire process of paying employees and preparing taxes.

It also enables employees to easily access their pay stubs online, so they can quickly check their payment before heading out for the weekend. On top of that, Gusto can help you manage employee benefits in your state and even help with COBRA administration. HR tools help simplify life both for HR and for employees, reducing the queries and questions that need to be asked of HR employees and minimizing frustration for employees.

A time clock or biometric scanner to track employee hours

A time tracking app is part of good management because it enables you to determine which employees are slacking off and who’s doing a good job. There are many time tracking apps available, but some business owners have found that a biometric scanner makes for the most reliable option.

A biometric scanner eliminates the need for a time clock because it logs when employees enter and exit the building. It also makes it easier for employees to clock in and out, which can help boost morale.

Employee tracking technology is designed for businesses like yours because it automates the time-consuming process of manually checking attendance. When managers are responsible for keeping track of hours worked, they lose valuable time that could be better spent on critical decision making.

Onboarding software

Onboarding tools are extremely useful because they help to ensure that new employees are fully trained before they start working. These tools can also be useful in helping to retain top talent by offering effective onboarding training programs.

There’s a wide range of employee onboarding software available, so you should do your homework to determine which one is the best fit for your business. Whatever you choose, simplifying the onboarding process should be a top priority for businesses of all sizes.


Using the right mix of employee management tools is important because it helps you get the most out of your employees. When they are given all the tools they need to succeed, your staff will feel empowered and ready for anything. Many of these tools are used by some of the largest and most successful companies in the world and make people management much less labor-intensive and stressful.

With so many options available in the employee management world, it can be difficult to distinguish between tools that are useful and those that are not. Keep the above examples in mind and leverage technology to manage your human capital.


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