Building clear, instantly recognizable, and trustworthy brand awareness is the key to your company’s success. In essence, brand awareness is the message you put out into the world about who you are and what you stand for in your business. It’s a vital process for all companies – your customers need to know you exist, what products or services you offer, and your angle or approach. 

Brand awareness is built via several techniques. These include company design, messaging, social media, advertising, and more. These five hacks will help you to create an easily recognizable brand your customers will love. 

Know Your Audience

Before you get into who your company is as a brand, you need to know who your audience is and their needs. This is probably the most vital step. What are clients in your niche looking for from your products, services and in the way you engage with them? If you know who your audience is, it’s easier to deliver an on-point product or service, customer service quality assurance, and other expectations. 

Do some research into what demographic of people need your service or product and what their values and expectations are. The best way to find out about your audience is to talk with your existing customers about what they are looking for from your business. You can talk to them directly or put together a survey. 

By defining who your target market is, you will be empowered to speak to their specific needs, generational dynamics and have an overall idea of what they want.

What Sets You Apart

Another top thing you need to do to begin to build positive brand awareness is to know what makes your company, team, and business offers special. Establish what makes you different from other brands and what your Unique Selling Proposition is.

To discover how you fit in or rather stand out, you’ll need to take a look at the way your competitors present themselves to the business world. Ask yourself what aspects of their establishment they are homing in on in their branding message. What makes your establishment different – and better – than theirs?

Be Consistent

Being consistent in your message, design, and ethos helps to keep your business recognizable. Consistency also garners the favor of trust from your audience. A brand that is constantly overhauling its branding, design, message, etc., tends to appear flaky, inconsistent, and therefore their reliability comes across as questionable. 

A clear, simple brand feel that is the same across all your platforms and channels will give your existing and potential customers faith in your establishment. If this does not come naturally to you, there are loads of marketing and design companies that can help you develop consistent branding. 

Use Story to Speak to Your Customers

People love to feel like they can identify with another person or with a business. So, a great way to connect with customers is to tell your business’ story. Briefly answer the following questions on your ‘About’ or ‘Our Story’ website pages. Who are you? How, when, where, and why did you start your enterprise? What are your values? What can customers expect from you that they can’t get from another company? 

Develop Strong Search Engine Optimization

Good SEO can help you be more visible online. And let’s be honest, if you aren’t visible and recognizable online in this day and age, then doing business is going to be tough! If your content is optimized, you’ll appear in the top searches, or at least on the first page of Google searches. 

Being in the top search results shows potential clients that you are relevant and capable. 

Some Closing Thoughts

Building strong brand awareness does not have to be complicated. In fact, it’s all about being simple and clear in your ethos, message, and design across all your platforms. By creating a clear, strong message with which your target audience can identify, you’ll be all set for success. 

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