It’s 2021; you can’t be searching for leads the way you once did. Make this the year that you grow your client base.

Let’s discuss some strategies you can use to not only draw people in but keep them close. Build lasting relationships while taking advantage of technology.

You don’t need outsize budgets to make a real difference. Even the smallest businesses can take advantage of these tips and tricks!

Brag About Yourself

Now is not the time for humility. Make it clear in your advertising that you are accredited, experienced, and prepared to help new clients.

Whether you’ve mastered NASCLA exam prep and aced the licensing exam, gained your CPA certification, or got your AASB accreditation — make sure leads know. While leads will trust word of mouth up to a point, you need to back that up with official documentation.

Leads that feel they aren’t taking a considerable risk by working with you are more likely to jump into a new partnership. Lay down the facts, and you will prove yourself without lying or stretching the truth.

Due to the internet and public information, leads will look up your claims. Lying hurts your reputation and all potential connections.

Up Your Social Media Game

Reaching out to younger leads means finding them where they are. Listings in the phone book will always go overlooked. Instagram, Reddit, TikTok, and to a lesser extent, Facebook are where younger people hang out.

Start with targeted paid advertising in your local area. Get listed through Google My Business and ensure you’re visible to those clients and customers you want to attract.

But don’t forget to set up business accounts across all social media platforms and stay active. Give updates on a job well done or highlight an employee. Without explicit ads, your company will come across as more relatable. Clients should see your brand as a company run by a human, not the other way around!

Save Time With Automation

You can’t respond to 100% of inquires all day — you have a business to run! So find some help. The automation business is worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Get your share.

Set up a chatbot on your website to handle basic questions and send leads to the right places for further help. Don’t waste your time navigating phone calls and emails. Setting up a cloud-based management system will streamline your organization. Are you still using an Excel spreadsheet? Or god-forbid pen and paper?

Spend your time interacting with leads, not getting lost in management details.

Push Video Content

Sorry, but Millennials and Gen Zers are just not going to read your newsletter. Create video content that is pithy and easy to find. 

Make sure you understand what level of attention your audience is willing to give and tailor content accordingly. For example, don’t put a 20-minute tutorial on your landing page (yes, people really do that…). 

If you have an email list that you distribute content through, add a video that quickly brings your current base up to date on your business. You’ll be ten steps in front of the competition if you can integrate video seamlessly into your lead generation.

Conclusion — Get Ahead Of The Curve

Technology changes fast. Are you keeping up? If you are having trouble landing fresh leads, ask yourself: When was the last time you updated your strategies?

Being stuck in your ways means you will be stuck with the same customers too. Don’t be afraid to reach beyond what’s comfortable. Remember: high risk = high reward!

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