In today’s business world, you have to stay on the cutting edge, or you’re going to fall behind. There are more options than ever for job-seekers and more ways than ever to find those jobs. Technology is evolving at a manic pace. 

If you want to retain invaluable talent, it all starts with a good onboarding process.

The onboarding process for new employees gives them their real “first impression” of your company, and first impressions are everything. Read these four expert tips to learn how you can revolutionize your onboarding process.

Create a Microlearning Program for Your Hiring Team

Your hiring and onboarding processes are only as good as your hiring manager and their team. Evaluate how effectively each member of your hiring team is operating, and determine a higher goal for them all to achieve.

If you want the hiring team to rally around efficiency, productivity, thoroughness, or some other value, introduce a microlearning program. Microlearning is a hot new business trend that rejects traditional modes of instruction for custom-tailored, easily retained, quick hits of information. 

Companies like Learn to Win are changing how businesses train their staff through microlearning.

Explore Automation

Glassdoor has found that a robust onboarding process can improve new hire retention by 82%. But the fastest way to see results isn’t to scrap your existing strategy—it’s to automate it.

There are certain things human beings can do that computers can’t. But there’s no better way to achieve consistency across all hiring and onboarding modalities than by incorporating automation. 

Automating aspects or the entirety of the onboarding process can help with brand and messaging consistency. It also cuts down on needless labor. Onboarding software can be programmed to take over tasks as small as sending emails, updating statuses, and sending notifications, to as large as generating documents, entering data, and capturing signatures.  

Bring in an External Hiring Team

If the onboarding process has proved a strain on your company in the past, hand over the duties to trained and experienced professionals. There are tons of firms, agencies, and individuals with professional-level experience in recruiting, hiring, and onboarding. 

Find a firm that aligns with your values and explore their potential for your company.

Streamline Your Control System Within the Cloud

In 2020, 60% of businesses migrated to the cloud—was yours one of them?

One of the more daunting aspects of coming onboard a new company is learning about its daily operations. What are all the passwords? What’s the email etiquette? What’s the rundown for meetings? 

If you migrate your central operations to the cloud, you can share all this information instantly whenever there are updates or additions. No one ever has to be out of the loop, including new hires. 

Hiring to Win

Boosting your onboarding process to the next level shows new hires that your company is agile, knows how to adapt to trends, and won’t be left in the dust. That assures them that they’ve made a solid investment in their futures.

Invest in your future by revolutionizing your onboarding process and see the gains in your success.

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