Have you heard about inbound marketing? This marketing technique fuses the core tenets of social media and content marketing, SEO, and strategic branding. It draws in new customers, converts leads into sales, and exponentially expands your business.

Inbound marketing techniques focus on strategies that attract and retain customers’ attention so that potential leads become loyal supporters of your brand. Traditional outbound marketing relies on businesses reaching out to their leads, but inbound marketing has proven to be more effective and profitable in the long run.

Statistically speaking, inbound marketing has shown to generate up to 3 times more leads per dollar than older marketing methods. Properly executed inbound marketing strategies can also be up to 10 times more effective than their outbound counterparts. This modern method has the power to increase your revenues far more than invasive advertising methods and cold calling, which are both classic outbound approaches.

With that in mind, here are the 7 key inbound marketing strategies you can use to triple your revenues and reliably boost your lead conversion rates.

1. Video Marketing

According to a study, a whopping 72% of customers would rather discover a new product or service through video media. It’s safe to say that video-based content is the new pinnacle of marketing. Therefore, it’s essential that you start incorporating video media into your marketing strategies.

You can embed custom videos, tutorials, and product reveals into your website, or post them on popular video streaming platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Twitch. Research has shown that viewers retain 95% of messages delivered in video format, compared to a mere 10% of messages delivered in written text.

2. Informative and Factual Blogging

Blogging is a fantastic form of internet marketing and a great way to improve your web traffic and attract visitors to your website. However, you can improve the reach and impact of your on-site blog even further by incorporating inbound marketing methods into your blogging strategy.

If you want your blog posts to rank highly on search engines like Google, they need to be in-depth and packed with helpful content your customers will want to read. Your articles should ideally be thorough enough to cover any questions that potential customers may have about your brand, products, and industry.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media can provide an invaluable source of traffic and leads for your brand. It’s vital that you develop a coherent and professional digital presence for your brand across popular social media platforms.

You could establish a business Facebook page, a dedicated YouTube channel, a Twitter profile, or even a LinkedIn page. You can base your platform choice on the products you offer and where your target audience spends most of their time online.

4. Conversion Strategy Implementation

Your goal as an inbound marketer is to convert as many potential leads into customers as possible. Once your website generates significant amounts of traffic through SEO, your next course of action is to convert that traffic into leads.

You can use a conversion strategy based on exit intent pop-ups, countdown timers, live chatbots, email marketing, lead magnets, and opt-in bars. These elements will engage with website visitors and convert them into long-term customers. Essentially, you need to do everything in your power to convert every visitor to your website into a lead, instead of allowing them to click away.

5. Cooperation with Other Brands

Traditional marketing strategies focus on competition rather than collaboration. However, working together with other brands who share your vision can benefit your business. A great example of this approach is influencer marketing.

Influencer marketing encourages businesses to partner with people and other brands on social media who have a large and engaged social following. Influencers get paid to promote a brand through their channels, thereby helping the brand in question to gain more views, expand their brand awareness, and increase their own numbers of social media followers too. Everybody wins.

6. Free Tool Creation

Everyone loves a freebie, and you can certainly use this fact to your advantage. Another effective inbound marketing technique involves creating and offering free tools that act as a lead magnet for your business. This approach is especially effective for businesses that sell online services and software, such as website builders, eCommerce tools, accounting packages, and more.

Free trials of your paid products and free tools like accounting templates, task management trackers, and SEO and backlink checkers attract positive attention for your brand. Plus, they create more mentions, leads, and conversions for your business. This helps build trust between your customers and your brand, which could increase their interest in your paid products and boost your sales as a result.

7. Retargeting Campaign Creation

Unfortunately, as many as 97% of your website’s visitors will never return. You can improve these numbers by creating retargeting campaigns via YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and other social media platforms.

Retargeting campaigns target your adverts towards people who have already visited your site but didn’t turn into leads. They allow you to target users that are already interested in your products, and give you a second chance to convert leads into customers. You can create such a campaign by adding tracking pixels on your marketing platforms and high converter pages, or onto your website in general.

Many inbound marketing experts recommend only targeting certain high converting pages to achieve the best possible ROI. Website visitors that have already joined your email list or read your products’ landing pages are significantly more likely to convert into leads and sales rather than visitors who have only read one of your blog posts.

The Bottom Line
Your business’s top priority should be to convert as many of your website’s visitors into leads as you possibly can. Inbound marketing is a proven, effective approach to generate more leads and improve your revenues as a result.

You can use simple inbound marketing techniques like offering free tools, creating impactful video content, or generating retargeting campaigns to give your business the income boost it needs to grow.

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