Do you own or manage an eCommerce business? Are you looking for tools to implement your digital marketing strategies? Do you want to have a successful relationship with your customers? If so, let’s learn together how Omnisend has the right plan for you.

What is marketing automation and why to use it?

In the 21st century, we must take advantage of technology, because if we don’t, technology will take advantage of us and our businesses. That is why automation is here to simplify our lives and daily manual tasks. Even if your eCommerce business seems to have a good performance today, automating email marketing and notifications would turn out as a competitive advantage in the market. Resulting in more time, energy, and resources for you and your team to focus on more strategic tasks rather than manual and tedious ones.

Automation means applying equipment, technology, or software created to make our life simpler, reducing operational costs and human oversight. For example, a good marketing strategy would require to send regular email newsletters, Facebook, and WhatsApp messages, push notifications, and more. Therefore, if you want to automate these simple but sometimes overwhelming tasks, you can use a platform or software to do this instead. Let’s take a deep dive into one specific tool: Omnisend.

What is Omnisend?

If you own an online beauty or retail store with products or services commercialized through shopify or other online shopping platforms, Omnisend is the automation tool you need. Learn how to anticipate, schedule, and increase both online presence, and brand performance ensuring positive feedbacks.

Omnisend is an omnichannel (all in one channel: email, text, social media, orders) marketing automation platform that helps eCommerce marketers grow their online presence; making marketing efforts stand above the promotional noise through advanced segmentation by sending personalized messages to the right person, at the right moment, and through the right channel. Regardless of how many customers you have, or how little you know about their conduct, Omnisend software gathers customer data, experience, engagement, and shopping behavior to create an automation workflow that fits your needs.

Omnisend’s mission is all about sending anticipated, contextualized, and relevant messages to your audience, providing the tools needed to spread the main message and increase your top-of-mind positioning. It also helps convert visitors into repeat customers. You can start with the tryout with a 14-day obligation-free trial. Then, you can choose whether to continue with the free plan with up to 15,000 emails or upgrade to a paid plan starting at $16 per month with more features.

Automation is innovation at its best. Start now automating your communications and improve the effectiveness and engagement of your brand. “Business has only two functions: marketing and innovation.” – Milan Kundera.

Schedule a free call with Piedmont Avenue Consulting, located in Oakland California, to assess your needs, and review strategies to achieve business growth. We know creating strong marketing strategies is key to increasing online presence, and implementing effective plans specialized in each business needs. Call us today at 510-761-5895!


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