OpenTable is a popular company used by restaurateurs. OpenTable is known for its online reservations service. In addition, the platform offers way more that just a reservation system. It allows guest to post reviews and get rewards with special deals through their own customer loyalty program. Furthermore, the restaurants features special menus for occasions such as Christmas, Mother’s Day and more. Finally, Opentable differentiated itself from other by offering a POS system for restaurants so they can have all in one. Before OpenTable started, we have to call many different restaurant on what time is available for us. Then, if there is no available time for us, we have to repeat the process of calling to another restaurant until they get the time slot they are looking for. Hence, OpenTable are so popular because they help company maximizes efficiency and eliminates errors. Today, we are going to show you some of OpenTable features, when is the best to use it, and how the POP marketing differs from others.

Features of Opentable

Reporting & Analytics

  • Owner App
  • POS Integration
  • Turn Time Analysis
  • Referral & Concierge Reporting
  • Insightful Reports

Shift Planning

  • Organized Shift Summaries
  • Manager Shift Notes
  • More Control Over Availability

Guest Profiles

  • Guest History and Visit Notes
  • Guest Tags
  • Guest Share
  • Respond to Reviews

More Reservations

  • 25M diners in OpenTable Network
  • Booking on Website
  • 600 Integrations

Benefits of OpenTable

The POP marketing 1,000 point program is a pay-for-performance marketing program offering diners 1,000 OpenTable dining points to book a reservation at your restaurant. Itpromote your restaurant without discounting and you can choose the reservation days and times of when you like to offer diners to book and OpenTable offersthe diners 1,000 dining points to book these POP times. OpenTable help in capturing more diners and fill empty seats when undecided diners are shown POP reservations above all other availability, they drivers diners to book available POP times. OpenTable POP is a pay-for-performance program, it costs nothing until a diner reserves and dine during your specified POP times. The majority of diners vising OpenTable often are undecided about where to eat. POP market your restaurant in front of these diners. Below is a summarize of OpenTable POP marketing.

POP Marketing

  1. Targeting audience: Reaching out diners who are undecided about where to dine
  2. Full control: Choosing which days and times to offer this proframs to diners
  3. Pay-for-performance: Only pay for reservations that turn into actual seated diners
  4. Track and Report: Know your ROI and identifiable program covers and reporting

When to use OpenTable?

For Consumer

  1. To book ahead of time for a special occasion
  2. Give suggestion a quick view of restaurant that still accept reservations
  3. When you’re not sure if the restaurant fit your preferences, reading reviews
  4. A loyal customer to a restaurant, claim points system for a free meal there
  5. Easy access to restaurant that you want to go

For Restaurant 

  1. To replace traditional pen-and-paper reservation book
  2. Touch-screen system you see when you check in at the host
  3. Wants an access to Opetable Network of diners
  4. Needs help in attracting more guests
  5. Maximizes occupancy meaning in seats revenue

What are you waiting for?

From a recent news by The New York Times, OpenTable have seats more than 23 million diners a month in 43,000 restaurant across the globe. OpenTable led to gaining values for your restaurant and consumer, encourage new faces to your restaurant. Joining OpenTable can be so easy and gives many benefits for you- building relationship, loyalty customer, increase efficiency, minimizes human errors, and many more.

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