Thinking about launching a startup? It will take a lot more than a great business idea to succeed, but if you are willing to put the time, money and effort in, then you have every chance to start a profitable operation. Many new entrepreneurs fall into the same traps when launching their first startup which can be costly, but there are a few simple steps that you can take to avoid these common mistakes and put yourself in a good position to enter the market and find stability. Read on to find out what these handy tips are and how they can help you to succeed early on.

Market Research

First, you should always carry out thorough market research to make sure that it is a viable business idea. This research will help you to identify who the competition is, what their strengths and weaknesses are, if there are any gaps in the market and who your target audience is. This will help you to craft a brand identity and mission statement that will keep you on the right course.

Brand Identity

It is vital that you create a memorable and eye-catching brand identity to stand out from the crowd, particularly if it is a competitive marketplace. When there are many brands to choose from and they are entering the market for the first time, a consumer will often favor a company with a brand identity that stands out from the crowd. This means that you need to take the time to craft a catchy company


When first starting out, you will want to keep your operation small, so it is best to avoid hiring full-time staff unless it is a necessity. In many cases, you will be able to outsource your work which can be cheaper and allows you to connect with specialists from around the world on a per-project basis.

Office Space

You will need to find a suitable location for your startup, and ideally, this will be somewhere that is easy to reach with good connections, like London. Finding a suitable space that is within your budget can be challenging, but there are companies like The Work Place Company that can find a London office rental that ticks all of the boxes.

Brand Awareness

One of the biggest challenges that startups face is getting people aware of their company in the early stages. First, you need to use internet marketing and have a high-quality company website along with being active across social media channels to create a strong presence online. It is also important to take steps to advertise your company offline – this could include hosting an event, attending industry events and sponsorship.

Launching a startup is an exciting but daunting time, especially if you are a new entrepreneur. There are many hurdles to overcome and challenges that will present themselves, but with patience, effort and hard work you should be able to steady the ship and go on to find success. Kickstarter campaigns can be a great way for startups to build brand awareness and increase brand loyalty.

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