What’s the first thing you do when you need a new product or service? You turn to Google, of course! In fact, a staggering 68 % of online experiences begin with a search engine, making it the go-to place for consumers looking for information.

With such a high reliance on search engines, it’s no surprise that businesses are prioritizing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in 2023. But with so many businesses vying for the top spots in search engine rankings, how can you ensure your brand gets a lead? That’s where advanced SEO strategies come in.

In this guide, we’ll explore the latest and most effective SEO tactics for 2023 that’ll help unlock your brand’s potential. So, let’s cut to the chase!

Emphasize on Link Building

As you may already know, links remain one of the top-ranking factors for Google (even in 2023). Despite that, nearly 65% of web pages have zero to no backlinks. Due to this, search engines may see a website as less trustworthy or credible and rank it lower in SERPs. It lowers the website’s visibility and affects traffic.

So, in 2023, you must focus on improving your site’s link-building strategy.

One easy way to do this is by outsourcing link-building services. You can even read this “how to outsource link building” guide and learn quick tips to select an ideal agency for your business. Nevertheless, the professionals you’ll hire will help build a strong off-page optimization strategy for your site, resulting in higher visibility and credibility for their brand.

Leverage Video Content

According to reports, YouTube has over 2.6 billion monthly active users. So, it’s no surprise that search engines increasingly favor websites that incorporate engaging video content. It provides a richer user experience and keeps visitors on the site longer.

But how do you optimize your video content for SEO? For starters, you can use descriptive and keyword-rich titles and include a link to your website in the video descriptions. Doing so can enhance link building strategies for videos and eventually improve your website’s authority and visibility in search engine results pages.

In addition, you can transcribe videos and include the transcript on your website to improve the accessibility of your content.

Optimize for Featured Snippets

Featured snippets are the answer boxes (providing summaries of content) that appear at the top of search results. For example, if a website provides a clear and concise answer to a commonly asked question, it is more likely to appear as a featured snippet for that search query.

According to a study, featured snippets get a click-through rate of 8.6%, whereas the first organic result gets a click-through rate of 19.6%. So, this year, your digital marketing strategy must focus on optimizing content for featured snippets.

Start by identifying the questions people ask about your brand or industry. Then, create content that answers those questions directly. Use bullet points numbered lists, and tables to make it easy for search engines to crawl your content.

Summing Up

So whether you’re a small business owner looking to expand your reach or a seasoned marketer looking to stay ahead of the game, you can effortlessly dominate the search rankings by utilizing these advanced SEO strategies. So what are you waiting for? Follow this guide, and take your brand to the next level!

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