Most companies store plenty of information that needs to be kept private. If it gets out, they might be held liable by many parties. But ransomware attacks are something that many businesses are not able to protect themselves against. These attacks are initiated by...
Technologyis all-too-frequently laudedas the new business hero of the modern era. It’s true, of course: businesses are benefiting from new tech in ways that would be essentially unimaginable to workers only twenty years ago. The increase in efficiency has been...
When you run a business, you should be aiming to protect it at all costs. Hard work, hard earned moneyand time you’ll never get back should be reasons enough to do so. Aside from putting the necessary insurance in place, a way to protect your business is through...
When reserving a hotel for your next getaway, you no longer need to worry about hiring the ultimate travel agent; you have several right on your home screen! Popular sites like Kayak, Priceline, Airbnb,, and more offer expansive services to find hotels of...
“Do you have free Wi-Fi? What is the password?” are perhaps most frequently asked questions a hotel front desk agent in the San Francisco Bay Area receives at check-in and on the phone. If a hotel business does not offer free Wi-Fi as an amenity, then it’ll get left...
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