When travelers are searching for a place to stay, does your hotel show up in Google Searches? Is your hotel one of the first listed on Google, Trip Advisor, or other hotel booking websites? Is your hotel on social media? Many independent motels/hotels don’t have the...
You have worked hard to get your company where it is, and you want to try and build a strong brand and a good reputation. However, there can be problems protecting your brand and your reputation from people. It can come from people wanting to use your brand without...
With the rise of social media as a primary way for people to communicate with one another, businesses have begun to take advantage of this in several ways. Many people assume that a career in social media is easy and involves using Twitter and Instagram all day....
Here are 4 of the best platforms that businesses can use to grow their business. Not only are they easily comprehensible and easily accessible, but the best part is: they are all FREE. #1 Eventbrite Eventbrite is the easiest way to organize events. It features the...
For some reason, many people in the online marketing world seem to think that email marketing is dead. While there were many other marketing methods that have been introduced over the last few years, they have not rendered email marketing completely obsolete. Here are...
For any small business, your brand is important and sets you apart from the rest. It is important that business build their brand and maintain their presence. The first thing any small business needs to know about building an online presence is the need for...
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